Resident Manager Leave Entitlements

19 July 2022

Mahoneys’ associate Will Kenny was featured in Resort News’ – the magazine for the accommodation industry professional – where we discussed a resident managers right to take leave.   

Specifically Will covered off the fact that, as a contractor, managers do not get the same entitlements as an employee under the Fair Work Act. And that any entitlement to leave would be covered off in the agreement between the body cooperate and the manager.

That agreement should also cover off how long the manager can be away from the business; what cover is required in the manager’s absence; and what approval is required from the body corporate.

It is important that managers understand, and comply, with the obligations in the agreement as any unauthorised leave of absence can be viewed unfavourably and be considered a breach of the contract – putting the business at risk.

You can read the full article here.

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