Supporting the Management Rights Industry

13 February 2020

Mahoneys has been a long-time supporter of the Australian Resident Accommodation Managers Association (ARAMA).

Formed in 1991, ARAMA is the peak body for the Management Rights Industry, and plays an important role representing the rights and interest of the Management Rights industry.

As part of our ongoing commitment to ARAMA, John Mahoney has been travelling the state to provide a series of keynote presentations.

Aptly titled the “Legal Toolkit” roadshows – the events have been focused on the increasing importance of legal compliance.

At last night’s event in Brisbane, John spent time discussing:

  •  the importance of diarising and exercising options;
  •  the timing and process for “top ups”;
  •  when you can increase remuneration;
  •  avoiding and resolving disputes;
  •  basic compliance issues that arise; and
  •  workplace health and safety obligations.

Feel free to contact us if you need assistance understanding your legal compliance obligations.


